@phdthesis{UNY57186, year = {2018}, school = {UNY}, title = {Implementation of Authentic Assessment in the Course of Writing in Professional Context in English Education Department at One of the State Universities in Yogyakarta.}, month = {March}, author = {Severinus Sakaria}, keywords = {authentic assessment; assessment techniques; professional context; writing}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/57186/}, abstract = {This study aimed at describing 1) authentic assessment techniques, 2) the procedure in conducting authentic assessment, and 3) the tasks used in the implementation of authentic assessment in the course of Writing in Professional Context in English Study Program. This study adopted a qualitative research design that took a case study approach. It was carried out at the English Education Department at one of the state universities in Yogyakarta Special Territory. The study employed four data collection techniques, namely: observation, semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews, and documentation. Trustworthiness of data was achieved through methodological triangulation, member check and expert judgment while data analysis was carried out by using an Interactive Model Analysis initiated by Miles, Huberman \& Saldana (2014). The results of the study indicated that the performance of students? writing abilities was assessed through 1) primary authentic assessment techniques and complementary assessment methods. The primary authentic assessment techniques include peer assessment, project assessment, group-based assessment, portfolio assessment, and performance assessment. Complementary assessment methods were comprised of lecturers? observation, students? reflection and evaluation. The results also found out that the 2) procedure in conducting authentic assessment included the formulation of expected learning outcomes and assessment standards, the choice of tasks that represented real-life context, assessment criteria, teaching methods as well as scoring rubrics. In addition, the results show that authentic assessment was implemented in the course through process writing known as process and product approach which requires students to demonstrate their learning by devising meaningful products or performance and completing written tasks that are performance-based. Lastly, the 3) tasks that were found to be used in authentic assessment included seminar exhibition, planning an organization, field reports, proposals, letters, blogs, email communication, progress tests, mid and end of semester examinations.} }