eprintid: 56876 rev_number: 9 eprint_status: archive userid: 1193 dir: disk0/00/05/68/76 datestamp: 2018-05-09 02:44:21 lastmod: 2019-01-30 16:23:40 status_changed: 2018-05-09 02:44:21 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show contact_email: 13211144013@student.uny.ac.id creators_name: Nafis, Irsyadi creators_id: 13211144013@student.uny.ac.id title: Request in Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies: A Pragmatic Study ispublished: pub subjects: E4 divisions: fbs_jurdik_inggris_bahasa_sastra_inggris full_text_status: restricted keywords: request, types, strategies, purposes, Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies abstract: This research examines the deployment of the speech acts of request in Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies using pragmatic approach. This study aims at identifying and explaining the types, strategies, and purposes of request. This research used a qualitative method. The data were utterances spoken by the characters in Bridge of Spies which were analyzed within the dialogue as the context. The data source was the script of the dialogues spoken by the characters. The data sheet was the instrument of this research. To check the credibility of the analysis, investigator triangulation was applied. The results of this research are described as follows. First, there are four request types found in the movie, i.e. unconventionally indirect request, conventionally indirect request based on the speaker, conventionally indirect request based on the hearer, and direct request. Second, there are eight request strategies revealed: hint, questioning hearer’s ability/willingness, suggestory formulae, statement of speaker’s wishes/desires, statement of speaker’s needs/demands, and statement of obligation/necessity, performatives, and imperatives. Third, four request purposes are found in the movie, i.e. request for goods, request for initiation of action, request for cessation of action, and request for a joint activity. 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