@phdthesis{UNY54134, month = {October}, author = {Putri Elisarizqia Agusintha}, year = {2017}, title = {THE RESTRICTIONS TOWARD WOMEN IN THE 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY: A FEMINIST STUDY ON KIDD?S THE INVENTION OF WINGS}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, abstract = {This is a research of Sue Monk Kidd?s The Invention of Wings. It aims to identify the kinds of restrictions toward women as reflected in the novel that takes place in the 19th century American patriarchal society and to describe the efforts of the Grimke sisters as the main female characters in facing the restrictions to participate in public sphere. Feminist literary criticism is used to facilitate the research objectives. A qualitative research and content analysis method were used to conduct the research. The data of the research are the expressions related to the kinds of restrictions toward women and the efforts of the main female characters to cope with the restrictions in Kidd?s The Invention of Wings. The primary instrument in this research was the researcher herself and the secondary instrument was any devices and media that contributed to the data collection and analysis. The trustworthiness of the data was gained through conducting triangulation process with supervisors as the experts and with two students from English Literature Study Program. The results of this research show that there are three kinds of restrictions toward women in public sphere and three kinds of restriction in domestic sphere. The restrictions toward women in public sphere are being restricted to have ?masculine? education, being restricted to have certain kinds of jobs, and being restricted to voice ideas through speeches and writings. The restrictions toward women in domestic sphere are being prohibited to choose spouses to marry by themselves, being prohibited to have equal share of inheritance, and being prohibited to have control over their own bodies. The Grimke sisters do some efforts to cope with the restrictions, namely moving and living in another town, having a private lesson and tutoring girls, establishing sisterhood, refusing to have unequal relationship, and expressing ideas through speeches and writings. Keywords: the Grimke sisters, restrictions toward women, The Invention of Wings, American patriarchal society, feminist literary criticism.}, keywords = {the Grimke sisters, restrictions toward women, The Invention of Wings, American patriarchal society, feminist literary criticism}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/54134/} }