@phdthesis{UNY54130, title = {FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE TRANSLATION OF THE ENGLISH THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE NOVEL IN THE BAHASA INDONESIA THE HUNGER GAMES: TERSULUT NOVEL}, author = {Luluk Gayung Wiratri}, month = {December}, year = {2017}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, keywords = {figurative language, translation, equivalence, the Hunger Games: Catching Fire}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/54130/}, abstract = {This research aimed to describe (1) the types of figurative language expressions found in the novel, (2) the translation techniques in translating the figurative language expressions applied by the translator, and (3) the degree of meaning equivalence of the figurative language expressions in the English source text of the Hunger Games: Catching Fire novel and its translation. This research used a qualitative approach. The data were all figurative language expressions in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. The main instrument of the research was the researcher himself, while the data sheet was employed as the secondary instrument. The data were categorized based on three theories: the figurative language type proposed by Abrams, translation techniques proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet, the degree of meaning equivalence by Bell. The trustworthiness of the data was enhanced this research by using triangulation. This research showed three findings. (1) The figurative language expressions found in the Hunger Games: Catching Fire novel showed that Hyperbole appeared the most with 96 data out of 298 data. (2) Literal Translation being the most dominant as the techniques of translation with 192 data out of 298 data. (3) In relation to the degree of meaning equivalence in the translation of the figurative language expressions in the Hunger Games: Catching Fire novel, Fully Equivalent meaning appeared the most with 198 data out of 298 data. Keywords: figurative language, translation, equivalence, the Hunger Games: Catching Fire} }