@inproceedings{UNY535, booktitle = {Cultural Relativism Ethics and Traditional Idiomatic Of Java}, title = {Cultural Relativism Ethics and Traditional Idiomatic Of Java }, year = {2010}, author = {Afendy Widayat Afendy Widayat}, month = {June}, abstract = {Harry J. Gensler divide ethics lines into several types and one of these types are cultural relativism. This ethics line has similarities in Java ethics genarally. Both of these lines of ethics has the advantages and weaknesses. The advantages are able to tolerate for developing harmonious condition which is reflected into idiomatic, like titi, tata, tentrem. Whereas the weaknesses are developed appearance (lamis). It means that people accept the difference from other, but not outwardly and by heart. In the social and state life, the harmonious condition must be ideal form of society, but in the assesing something must be done openly and good manners, so will result harmonious condition which is not appearance. }, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/535/} }