%P 31-33 %D 2017 %J International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research %T Content Analysis for Public Speaking for Business Courses for non-degreed education institutions %V 4 %A Setyabudi Indartono %A Tadkiroatun Musfiroh %A Ahmad Wahyudin %A Mahendra Adhy Nugroho %X This study is aimed to investigate the content of Public Speaking for Business Training for students of training and course institution. This research employed 47 respondents from 9 training and course institutions in Yogyakarta. Literature review of KKNI, interview, survey, and FGD are used to gather the data needed. Qualitative Descriptive is used to analyze the data. The Result shows that various contents are needed to trained students of training and course institution. They are included public speaking, business communication, and business presentation courses. Descriptions and the detail of the content are discussed. %K Public Speaking for Business, business communication, business presentation, training and course institution %L UNY53347 %N 4