%T Developing English Speaking Materials for Conversation Class of the Tenth Grade Students at Madrasah Aliyah Al Ma’had An Nur, Bantul. %I UNY %D 2017 %K Speaking, learning materials, conversation class %X This research study aimed to develop English speaking materials to support the learning process of the tenth grade students in the Conversation class at Madrasah Aliyah Al Ma’had An Nur, Bantul. This research was a research and development study. The development of the speaking materials was carried out through several steps, namely the needs analysis, a course grid design, product development, product validation, product revisions, try-outs, and final product development. The respondents involved in this research study included one English learning materials expert, one graphic design expert, and 30 tenth grade students at Madrasah Aliyah Al Ma’had An-Nur for the needs analysis and try-outs. The data were collected through classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The instruments of data collection comprised interview guides, expert validation sheets, and questionnaires for the students. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results of try-outs showed that the speaking materials were appropriate to be applied in the Conversation class according to the mean scores of the students’ agreement ranging from 3.57 to 3.63 on 4 to 1 Likert scale. The appropriateness of the speaking materials was assessed from two aspects: the unit design and the task components. The appropriate task components are: (1) the students’ goal of attending the Conversation class is to be able to speak and communicate in English properly; (2) the input presents comprehensible dialogue texts and audio-visual inputs; (3) the activity includes tasks that involve students in dialogue and pronunciation practices; (4) the students play role as active participants; (5) the teacher plays role as a facilitator; and (6) the setting includes pair work done in the classroom. %A Mujawazah Mujawazah %L UNY53193