@phdthesis{UNY53101, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2017}, month = {August}, title = {A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF STEREOTYPES IN FREEDOM WRITERS MOVIE}, author = {Mutia Fitriani}, abstract = {This research is a sociolinguistic study of stereotypes reflected in Freedom Writers movie. The objectives of this research are (1) to describe the categories of stereotypes and (2) to identify the functions of stereotypes performed in the movie. This research applied descriptive qualitative method to describe the phenomenon under research in a textual form. In addition, this research also used quantitative method to support the interpretation of data obtained from the qualitative investigation by presenting the data in numerical form. The data were in the form of utterances, while the contexts of the data were the dialogues of the characaters in the movie. As for the sources of the data, the researcher employed the video of Freedom Writers and its transcript. The primary instrument of this research was the researcher and the secondary instrument was the movie transcript. The data were collected by selecting dialogues containing stereotypes while watching and listening to the movie. For the data analysis, the researcher analyzes the research findings by classifying and interpreting them based on the theories used. In addition, investigator triangulation was used to achieve the trustworthiness of the research findings. The results of the research are stated as follows. First, there are 5 out of 8 categories of stereotypes occur in the utterances of the characters in the movie. The five categories are gender, race, age, physical features, and occupations and socioeconomic status. Based on the 30 data found, race gets the highest number of occurrences with 16 data. Race has the highest frequency since the characters in the movie are of various races or ethnicities. Therefore, differences in traits, activities, and other aspects can be noticed easier. Additionally, gender and physical features have the lowest number of data since they are rarely used as the bases of stereotypes by the characters. Second, all three functions of stereotypes are identified in the movie. The findings reveal that cognitive economy is the most frequently used function with 15 data. The characters mostly use stereotypes to help them simplify information they get about other characters. In contrast, social function occupies the last rank with seven data because there are not many interactions between members of the same social groups. Keywords: sociolinguistic analysis, stereotypes, Freedom Writers movie}, keywords = {sociolinguistic analysis, stereotypes, Freedom Writers movie}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/53101/} }