%I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %D 2017 %T A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS ON MAXIM FLOUTING BY ADJACENCY PAIRS IN TIM BURTON’S BIG EYES MOVIE %K Pragmatics, Adjacency Pairs, Dispreferred Respond, Maxim Flouting, Big Eyes %X This research aims to analyze the maxim flouting in Big Eyes movie from the dispreferred occurrences. In more specific terms, this research is aimed at identifying the types of adjacency pairs contains dispreferred response, types of maxim flouting, and the strategies that are performed by Characters in Big Eyes movie. This research employed a qualitative method with the primary instrument of the research was the researcher and data sheet the data sheets used as the secondary instrument. The data were in the form of utterances spoken by the characters in Big Eyes movie. The data were collected from the utterances of characters containing maxim flouting from dispreferred responses. They were taken from Big Eyes script written by Tim Burton. The trustworthiness of the data was conducted through the triangulation by two supervisors and two linguistics students as triangulators. The result of the research can be stated as follows. First, there are ten adjacency pairs types that contains of dispreferred respond performed by the characters in Big Eyes movie, namely assertion- disagreement, question-answer, blame-denial, command- incompliance, request- refusal, offer- refusal, summon- answer, invitation- refusal, greeting-greeting, and farewell-farewell. The Assertion-Disagreement becomes the most frequent type which performed by the characters in this movie. Second, from the previous analysis of adjacency pairs types, the research show that four types of maxim flouting are performed by Characters namely quantity, quality, relevance, and manner maxim flouting. In maxim flouting occurrences, the characters use six strategies of maxim flouting, namely overstatement, understatement, metaphor, tautology, irony, and rhetorical question. For additional information, there are four reasons that lead Big Eyes’s characters to flout the maxims, they are competitive, collaborative, convivial, and conflictive reason. Quality maxim flouting is the most used type of maxim flouting. Meanwhile, relevance maxim flouting is in the lowest frequent rank of maxim flouting. Overstatement is the most frequently used and tautology is the contrary. In the way to dealing character’s intended meaning, collaborative has become the highest in its occurrence. . Keywords: Pragmatics, Adjacency Pairs, Dispreferred Respond, Maxim Flouting, Big Eyes %A Haryopramandito Nandastun Irawan %L UNY53052