%0 Journal Article %@ 2528-617X %A Anggraeni, Ganung %A Budiyono, Budiyono %A Hadi, Samsul Hadi %A Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, %A Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia, %A Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, %D 2017 %F UNY:52400 %I Fakultas Ekonomi %J International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science %P 91-102 %T TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS OF PPPPTK MATHEMATICS BASED ON TEACHERS’ PERFORMANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHERS’ CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/52400/ %V 2 %X This study aims to measure the effectiveness of training program that is conducted by PPPPTK Mathematics, which is viewed from teachers’ Continuous Professional Development performance and after-training implementation of continuous professional development (CPD). The results of this research are as follows: (1) the effective level of the training programs before and after the programs are improved as shown by the improvement of mean score before the training (50.530) and after training (79.920); (2) the paired sample t-test shows that there is a significant difference in teachers’ Continuous Professional Development performance before and after the training programs; (3) the result of the structural model testing indicates that the model for program evaluation is fit (chi-square result is 4.998 which is relatively small, RMSEA less than 0.08 (0.063), CFI more than 0.9 (0.995), GFI more than 0.9 (0.940), AGFI more than 0.9 (0.988), and probability 0.172 which shows that there is no difference between the sample and the population covariant. Keywords: effectiveness, teachers’ performance, teachers’ continuous professional development