%0 Journal Article %A Soeprapto Rachmad, Said %F UNY:5037 %J Jumal Inoteks %N 1 %T ALAT PENGERING (PENIRIS) SISTEM VAKUM PADA GORENGAN CERIPING UBI, PENGHEMAT PEMAKAIAN MINYAK GORENG UNTUK INDUSTRI KECIL PEDESAAN %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/5037/ %V 5 %X The cassava chip industry "Berkah", in producing the chips as the products, often gets difficulties especially in fastening the marketing delivery. Having been fried, the cassava chips are to firstly be dried with conventional system for more than 24 hours and 48 hours for serondok snack, then they are made in plastic packages. The problem is that the chips still take number of oil with them so that the product can be easily rancid and moldy though they are already in the packages. It is difficult to make ,the oil in the chips out and efforts taken may costmuch so that it is hard for the small-scale industry to have such an act. Considering all the aspects revealed above, the servants wish to solve the problem by means of voucher programs, to make a vakum system drayer for cassava chips frying. The method used is making a vacuum system dryer within the specification as follows: (1) the vacuum system dryer is a cylinder tube;.(2)it consists of two tubes; (3) the lower tube is used to store the chips going to be dried and the upper one functions as the sucker; (4) the diameter and the high of the lower tube are 450 mm and 750 mm, and that of the upper one are 450 mm and 450 mm; (5) it is placed on the upper tube a fan played with, 1850 rpm by means of. electric motor ~ HP; (6) the upper tube can be moved for .180 degree by using switch placed to the holder. The chips, which are going to be dried are put into the tube, then air is given and absorbing in done through pone of the tip of the tube. The oil will be absorbed in two ways, by means of pressure differences and air flow making the oj! out of the chips. . The resultsof this practiceare as follows:(1) to dryserondoksnack,it is required2 hours; (2) the oil succeeded to chase in one process is about 50 to 60 cc; (3) the snacks are to be standing-put in the tUbe; (4)time required for arranging the snacks in standing position is about 20 minutes; (5) having worked for 2 hours, the machine should be stopped;.,(6)th~ electricity used for the 2 hours is for about Rp 539; (7) for the tube with the capacity of 1.5 kg; (8) time required for drying about 3 kg (2/3 of the tube) chips is approximately 45 menutes, and the oil gained for each process is 15 cc. The cost for drying the cassava chips is % hours is % X 0,8 KW X R-p337/KWh = Rp 187 for each drying process.