%J JPJI %D 2006 %I UNY %T PETUNJUK PRAKTIS PENCEGAHAN KECELAKAAN DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DISEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA DAN ATAS %V 5 %L UNY50 %N 1 %X Accidents are not desirable. It makes someone lose their time, their wealth, and it can cause injury, cripple and even death. It can happens anywhere, at anytime, on anyone. Accident can happen on student when the sport lesson held. Sport lesson compared with other lessons, considering the characteristic, are accident- prone. Taking into account the level of physical and technique of junior and senior high school pupils, the likelihood of the accident increased. To prevent those accident and the effects afterward, the teacher must identify the sources. Accident in sport lesson can be caused by internal factor (intrinsic), e.g. exhausted, harum- scarum, lack of skill and not having adequate pre-game warm-up and stretching. Other possibilities are came from outside factors (extrinsic), e.g. poor equipment and facilities, bad weather, terrible location, inadequate referee. %A Sukarmin Yustinus