@phdthesis{UNY49098, year = {2017}, author = {KARLINA FATUROKHMI}, school = {Fakultas Ekonomi}, title = {THE EFFECT OF PARENTING STYLE, EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT, LEARNING REDINESS, AND LEARNING STYLE ON THE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING IN GRADE X ACCOUNTING STUDENT AT SMK NEGERI 1 YOGYAKARTA ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2015/2016}, abstract = {This research saims to determine: (1) the effect of Parenting Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting, (2) the effect of Emotional Qoutient on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting, (3) the effect of Learning Readiness on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting, (3) the effect of Learning Readiness on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting, (4) the effect of Learning Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting, (5) the effect of Parenting Style, Emotional Qoutient, Learning Readiness, and Learning Style together on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting. The population of this research all of Grade X Accounting Student at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta academic Year of 2015/2016 as many as 63 students. Data were collected by questionaire and documentation method. Prerequisites analysis test include linierity test, and multicolinierity test. Data analysis techniques are simple regression and multiple regression. The results of this research are: (1) There are positive and significant affect of Parenting Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting. (2) There are positive and significant affect of Emotional Qoutient on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting. (3) There are positive and significant affect of Learning Readiness on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting. (4) There are positive and significant affect of Learning Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial. (5) There are simultaneously positive and significant affect of Parenting Style, Emotional Qoutient, Learning Readiness, and Learning Style on the Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/49098/}, keywords = {Parenting Style, Emotional Qoutient, Learning Readiness, Learning Style, Learning Achievement of Financial Accounting} }