%L UNY49007 %X This research has two objectives. First is to describe the foreignization and domestication of the culturally-bound expressions in Umar Kayam’s Para Priyayi Novel represented in Zhukov’s Javanese Gentry translated Novel. Second is to describe the meaning equivalence of the translation of the culturally-bound expressions in Umar Kayam’s Para Priyayi Novel as represented in Zhukov’s Javanese Gentry translated Novel. This research apllied translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir to describe the realization of the culturally-bound expressions. The reseacher used qualitative approach, yet to suport providing the data the reseacher also provided several data in quantitave way. The data of this research are culturally-bound expressions found in the Para Priyayi novel and their translation in Javanese Gentry novel in the form of words and phrases. The findings of this research show that foreignization and domestication found in the culturally bound expressions in this study are represented by some techniques which are closely related to the foreignization and domestication. Foreignization is indicated by four techniques found consisting of amplification, description, borrowing and literal translation represented in 187 (63.84%) data, while there are four techniques found to be domestication which are adaptation, generalization, discursive creation and reduction which represented in 106 (36.16%) data. Then, in a matter of meaning equivalence degree of culturally-bound expressions, almost of the data are transferred equivalently. There are 201 (68.61%) considered as fully equivalent meaning and there are 68 (23.21%) considered as partly equivalent meaning. However, there are also culturally-bound expressions considered as non equivalent in less number. There are only 18 (6.15%) data considered as different meaning and there are 6 (2.03%) considered as no meaning. In terms of meaning equivalence, the meaning of culturally-bound expressions are highly transfered (91.31%) in target text. Keywords: culturally-bound expressions, foreignization, domestication, meaning equivalence %A Selvia Fitriani %K culturally-bound expressions, foreignization, domestication, meaning equivalence %T FOREIGNIZATION AND DOMESTICATION IN THE CULTURALLY-BOUND EXPRESSIONS IN KAYAM’S PARA PRIYAYI NOVEL AND THEIR TRANSLATED EXPRESSIONS IN ZHUKOV’S JAVANESE GENTRY NOVEL %D 2017 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta