%L UNY4883 %N 1 %A - Komarudin %X As a social being (homo socius), man have to interact with the surrounding environment. Man existence only worth when his or her existence give positive impact 0/1 how his or her social community interact and lead into a mutual life, in the other words a human being wiil positively interact with surrounding if that being have a positive social behaviour as well. A man social behaviour does not automatically emerge by itself, it has to be developed and nourish since childhood especially in the stage on elementary school. At this level, children start to interact with environment beside his or her own family. One of the best ways to develop it is through playing sport activity like soccer. Soccer games contain positive values such as teamwork, respect each other, sportive, tolerance, discipline, and iron will. These values will effect on the kid social behaviour. Which give the child positive effect on the future when interacting wit/) the social environment. %T Permainan Sepakbola Sebagai Wahana Pembinaan Sikap Sosial Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar %V 3 %J Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia