@incollection{UNY47445, booktitle = {PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN VOKASIONAL (SNPV) 2017: Revitalisasi Lembaga Pendidikan Guru Vokasional}, journal = {Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Vokasional (SNPV)}, year = {2017}, publisher = {UNY Press}, pages = {163--169}, title = {E-LEARNING SEBAGAI SISTEM SOSIO-TEKNIS: STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN E-LEARNING DI PENDIDIKAN VOKASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENERIMAAN PENGGUNA}, month = {February}, author = {Priyanto Priyanto}, abstract = {E-learning is utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) as the main transmitter of learning. E-learning convers many benefits and flexibility in learning. However, the acceptance of e-learning is still far from reality when it is not called a failure, even though the technology infrastructure has been fulfilled. This implies that developing e-learning should not only be viewed from the perspective of technology. As information systems, e-learning should also be viewed from a social perspective is an environment where technology is. Therefore, the development of e-learning must use a socio-technical perspective. In this case the technological and social factors are developed together, since both have a reciprocal relationship. Organizational development model confirms that e-learning is a socio-technical system. The social system refers to the theory of institutional isomorphism which includes a coercive pressure, mimetic pressure, and normative pressure. Technical systems relating to technology facilities, technical support, compatibility, and user competence. The role of social systems and technology in the acceptance of e-learning is described as an antecedent technology acceptance model (TAM).}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/47445/} }