@phdthesis{UNY47185, month = {February}, author = {Rainy Ayu Agustira}, year = {2017}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, title = {CRITIQUE ON CHILD BEAUTY PAGEANT REFLECTED IN DAYTON AND FARIS? LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/47185/}, keywords = {feminism, second wave feminism, dominance feminist, film theory, film elements.}, abstract = {The objectives of this research are to identify the critique on child beauty pageant reflected in Dayton and Faris' Little Miss Sunshine and explain how the critique is exposed. Thus, the researcher applies feminism theory, especially MacKinnon's concept of Dominance Feminist theory. To analyze how the critique is exposed in the movie, the researcher employs Giannetti's theory on film analysis. This research is a qualitative research. The content analysis method is used to analyze the data. The main data of this research are words, phrase, clauses, sentences and also pictures related to the critique seen from the movie. The key instrument of this research is the researcher herself. The researcher determined some indicators of the gender related critique and film elements as explained in the analytical construct. The indicators were made based on the theory to gain the data. The research used peer debriefing method in order to achieve the trustworthiness The findings of this research reveal that the critiques of social power construction and women's objectification exist within the film. The existence of the social power construction is determined by some indicators. The main indicators that criticize social power construction are the critique on sameness approach and difference approach. The main indicators that criticize the women's objectification are the critique on the existence of social standard and the critique on pornography. The researcher also found that the awareness about the bad side of child beauty pageant starts to rise, seen by the action taken by the Hoovers. Stopping the pageant industry is the solution for the problem. The critique on child beauty pageant reflected in Dayton and Faris' Little Miss Sunshine is represented by using four film elements: the shots, the angle, the color and the music. The shot is useful to reveal the whole mood, the angle emphasizes how the subject matters, the color can build an emotional appeal and music suggests the spirit of the film. In conclusion, the researcher finds out that Dayton and Faris' Little Miss Sunshine is a great movie to criticize the child beauty pageant and to give awareness about the existence of gender domination that lives within the society nowadays. Key words: feminism, second wave feminism, dominance feminist, film theory, film elements.} }