@phdthesis{UNY47172, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, title = {WOMEN?S LANGUAGE IN TANGLED MOVIE}, month = {February}, author = {Assari Wulan Safitri}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Women?s language is a term first introduced by Robin Lakoff in defining certain features of language used by women. The objectives of the study are to describe the features of women?s language employed by Rapunzel in Tangled, to reveal the functions of women?s language expressed by Rapunzel, and to describe the modification of the use of in Tangled to reduce the feminine effect. To answer the objectives, this research employed descriptive qualitative supported by quantitative research method. It was conducted by collecting and analyzing relevant data from the dialogues uttered by Rapunzel in Tangled movie. The researcher was helped by her peer editors, two supervisors and students of English Literature study program, to check the validity of the data. This research reveals three findings. First, there are only eight features, from the total ten features of women?s language, found in Rapunzel?s dialogues. They are lexical hedges or fillers, tag questions, rising intonation, empty adjectives, intensifiers, superpolite form, avoidance of strong swear words, and emphatic stress. The employment of the features that have more feminine effect is reduced in order to boost the more gender-neutral effect. Second, five functions of women?s language are found. They are to express uncertainty, to express feeling, to get response, to soften an utterance, and to emphasize an utterance. The use of women?s language in this movie is used to mark the change of Rapunzel from the classical princess character that is lack of confidence to a more confident and dominant character. Third, the researcher found that Disney Picture, as the producer of the movie, modified the employment of women?s language in the movie by dropping the employment of precise color term and hypercorrect grammar, and manipulating the frequency of occurrence of the features to support the movie goal, which is to gain a more gender-neutral image. Keywords: women?s language, Tangled, Rapunzel}, keywords = {women?s language, Tangled, Rapunzel}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/47172/} }