%X This research examines impoliteness aspects presented in Carrie movie using pragmatic approach. The objectives of this research are to describe the types of impoliteness strategies addressed to the characters, to explain the functions of the impoliteness strategies addressed to the characters, and to describe the characters’ responses to the impoliteness strategies addressed to them in Carrie movie. This research used mixed method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative method. The data were in the form of utterances spoken by the characters in Carrie movie, while the contexts of the data were dialogues. The data sources of this research were the script of the dialogues spoken by the characters in Carrie movie and the video of the movie. The primary instrument of this research was the researcher herself, while the secondary instrument was the data sheet. The researcher used analysis of documents by note-taking to collect the data. Referential analysis was used to analyze the data. Finally, the data were triangulated by experts and those interested in the same field of the study to gain the reliability of the research. The results of this research are described as follows. First, four types of impoliteness strategies occur in the characters’ utterances in Carrie movie. They are bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and sarcasm. Positive impoliteness becomes the most dominant type used by the characters. Meanwhile, withhold politeness does not exist in the characters’ utterances. Second, affective function becomes the highest function which is used by the characters in Carrie movie. Meanwhile, no response becomes the most dominant response which is chosen by the characters. To sum up, the responses of impolite acts are influenced by the way the face attacks are conveyed and the relationship between the persons doing the face attacks and the addressees. %A Gintari Chintiabela %K impoliteness, types, functions, responses, Carrie movie %L UNY46228 %D 2017 %T A PRAGMATIC ANALYSIS OF IMPOLITENESS IN CARRIE MOVIE %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta