%T USING COMMUNICATIVE TASKS TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING OF SPEAKING FOR OFFICE ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS AT GRADE X OF SMKN 1 GODEAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/2011 %I FBS UNY %D 2013 %K COMMUNICATIVE, ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS %X USING COMMUNICATIVE TASKS TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING OF SPEAKING FOR OFFICE ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS AT GRADE X OF SMK N 1 GODEAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/2011 by Winayu Kumala Ratna Putri 06202244023 ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to improve the learning of speaking through the use of communicative tasks for Office Administration students at grade X of SMKN 1 Godean in the academic year of 2010/2011. This study was an action research study consisting of two cycles. The procedure of the research were reconnaissance, planning, implementation and observation, and reflection. The researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher and the students. This research study applied communicative tasks in the forms of role play and simulation as the main actions. The researcher used role play in Cycle I and simulation in Cycle II. The data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process, interviewing the collaborator, holding discussions with the collaborator, interviewing the students, and taking pictures during the actions. The instruments of this study were observation sheets, interview sheets, speaking rubric, a recorder, and a camera. The data collected were qualitative in nature and were analyzed from the fieldnotes and interview transcripts during the actions. To avoid the subjective analysis, investigator and time triangulation were used. Democratic, process, outcome, catalytic, and dialogic validity were also used to fulfill the validity and reliability of the data. The research results showed that the students’ speaking skills improved through communicative tasks. The improvements were achieved gradually which cover aspects such as students’ responsiveness, motivation, self-confidence, involvement, and speaking performance. Based on the research conducted, the use of communicative tasks in this study successfully improved the learning of speaking. The indicators of the success of the implementation were that: (1) the students got better atmosphere of learning and got lots of opportunities to speak up; (2) the 16 students who were classified as students who had ‘learned’ performance in the pre-test successfully improve their skills so that they were included to have ‘exemplary’ performance in the post-test. (3) the implementation of communicative tasks also improved the students’ interaction during the English teaching and learning process. All implemented actions were successful to make the students active in joining the English teaching and learning process. %A Winayu Kumala Ratna Putri %L UNY45513