%K collaborative strategy, metacognitive strategy, writing %X This research aims to find out: (1) the more effective strategy between the collaborative writing strategy and the metacognitive writing strategy, (2) the more effective strategy between the collaborative writing strategy and the conventional writing strategy, (3) the more effective strategy between the metacognitive writing strategy and the conventional writing strategy, and (4) the most effective strategy among collaborative writing strategy, metacognitive writing strategy, and conventional writing strategy in the teaching of writing. This research was a quasi-experimental study. The subjects of this study were 94 Grade X students (3 classes). Class XC was the Experimental Group I, taught using the collaborative writing strategy; Class XF was the Experimental Group II, taught using the metacognitive writing strategy; and Class XB was the Control Group which were not given the treatment. In the beginning of the study, all the subjects were given an essay test to measure their initial writing ability. After two months of treatment, they were given a post-test to find out whether there was a significant difference in their writing ability. The data of the pre-test and post-test of three groups were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. After the data were tested and found to be homogeneous and normal, the hypotheses were tested by using Anova and Scheffe test. The research findings reveal that (1) the collaborative writing strategy is more effective than metacognitive writing strategy as indicated by the value of sig (0.043) which is lower than 0.05; (2) the collaborative writing strategy is more effective than conventional writing strategy as indicated by the value of sig (0.000) which is lower than 0.05; (3) the metacognitive writing strategy is more effective than conventional writing strategy as indicated by the value of sig (0.031) which is lower than 0.05; and (4) the collaborative writing strategy is the most effective strategy in comparison to the other two strategies as indicated by the value of sig of the control group (0.000) and the value of sig of the experimental group II (0.043) which are lower than lower than 0.05. %A Taufik Arochman %L UNY44514 %T The Effectiveness of Using Collaborative Writing Strategy and Metacognitive Writing Strategy in Improving the Writing Ability of Grade X Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta. %I UNY %D 2016