@phdthesis{UNY44059, month = {March}, author = {Rahayu Dewi Wulandari}, title = {IMPROVING THE TEACHING OF WRITING THROUGH THE TEXT-BASED INSTRUCTION AT GRADE XI-2 OF OFFICE ADMINISTRATION CLASS OF SMK NEGERI 1 GODEAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2011/2012}, school = {FBS UNY}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Writing Ability, the Text-Based Instruction, Students of Office Administration Class}, abstract = {Improving the Teaching of Writing through the Text-Based Instruction at Grade XI-2 of Office Administration Class of SMK Negeri 1 Godean in the Academic Year of 2011/2012 Rahayu Dewi Wulandari 06202241070 ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to improve the students? writing ability at grade XI-2 of Office Administration Class of SMK Negeri 1 Godean. The action was done by implementing the use of the Text-Based Instruction. The study is action research and it was used descriptive qualitative data supported by quantitative data in collecting the data. The research members were the researcher, the English teacher, and the students of XI-2 of Office Administration at SMK Negeri 1 Godean. The research was conducted in two cycles. The procedures were: reconnaissance, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The steps of implementing the actions were done following the course grid and lesson plans that were made by the researcher. The data were obtained by interviewing the English teacher and the students of XI-2 of Office Administration, observing the teaching and learning process, giving pre-test and post-test, taking pictures and giving questionnaire. The data were in the forms of interview transcripts, field note transcripts, students writing results, and photographs. The result showed that the implementation of the Text-Based Instruction improved the students? writing ability. Qualitatively, the improvement covers (1) the students? comprehension in writing, (2) the students? understanding on grammar, (3) the students? vocabulary mastery and (4) the students? involvement in the classroom activity. Quantitatively, the mean score of the pre-test was 61.5 and the post-test was 80. In addition, from the data of the questionnaire, almost all students said that the tasks and the activities in the classroom improved their understanding, involvement, and motivation in learning writing. Key Words: Writing Ability, the Text-Based Instruction, Students of Office Administration Class}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/44059/} }