%A Triana Nur Afifah %X IMPROVING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION OF THE ACCOUNTING EXPERTISE PROGRAM FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE ENGLISH DAY PROGRAM OF SMK N 1 PEDAN By Triana Nur Afifah 06202244033 ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to improve the students’ motivation of the accounting expertise program for participating in the English Day program of SMK N 1 Pedan. This study is an action research study and it was conducted in SMK N 1 Pedan. The data of the study were in the form of qualitative data that were obtained from various sources such as observation, field notes, interviews, questionnaire, video recordings, photographs, and logs. The research procedures applied in this study were adapted from the model proposed by Kemis and Mc Taggart. They consist of reconnaissance, planning, action, observation and reflection. There were three actions done in this study. In the first action the researcher conducted an English course for grade X students of the accounting expertise program. For the second action, the researcher conducted an English training for the non-English teachers of the school and for the final action, the researcher together with the research members implemented the new version of the English Day program that were completed with the rule and the monitoring system of the program. The result of the study shows that conducting an English course for grade X students of the accounting expertise program was effective in equipping or preparing the students to function better in the English Day program. It also motivated the students to use English communicatively. Next, the result shows that conducting an English training for the non-English teachers was effective in preparing the teachers to also function better in the English Day program. They became more confident to use English in the classroom than before. Finally, the result also shows that the English Day program ran by the researcher and the research members that was completed with clear rule and monitoring system could run better than what the school had before. The existence of the clear rule and monitoring system were effective in motivating the research members, especially the students to participate more actively in the program. %L UNY43732 %T IMPROVING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION OF THE ACCOUNTING EXPERTISE PROGRAM FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE ENGLISH DAY PROGRAM OF SMK N 1 PEDAN %I FBS UNY %D 2011