%T Pelatihan Model Pendidikan Anak Dalam Keluarga yang BerwawasanKewirausahaan %D 2010 %J Artikel PPM Prioritas Fakultas %O Laporan Akhir PPM Prioritas Fakultas 2010 %K training, child, family, entrepreneurship %A M.Pd. Kiromim Baroroh %A Mulyani Endang %A Mustofa Mustofa %A Nurseto Tejo %X This training was aimed to: 1) add an insight to the parents in order to integrate the characteristic of entrepreneur in the child education in family, 2) develop an attitude and entrepreneur behavior to the child early. The method used in this training was discussion, demonstration, playing video, and role playing. The activity is done in the play group of Cendekia. This dedicated activity to people was able to become a means of increasing parents and teachers capability to do new innovations in the case of giving a spirit of entrepreneur to the child early. The result of observation and interview indicated: a) most of participant had a positive attitude toward the performance of activity. This could be looked from the result of observation, most of teachers and parents were serious and enthusiastic. It showed that all participants were involved actively in performing all steps of PPM activity planned. b) It was showed from the level of interpretation toward the material of training that 100% of participants interpreted in the material of training. This was showed at the moment they were given the questions of material, 100% were successful to answer them well. c) 88% of teachers and parents invited attended the activity. d) Based on observation and interview, it was an increase of entrepreneur spirit in parents and teachers. The participants were more and more self-believe when they were given the assignment by instructor. e) It was looked from entrepreneur spirit, it indicated that all participants looked to be enthusiastic and self-believe in training to practice the material accepted in the learning of class or at the time they taught their students. %L UNY43445