relation: title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING CYCLE 5E ASSISTED BY PROTOTYPE MEDIA BASED ON CMAP TOOLS TO INCREASE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME creator: Setyowati, Putri Ratna subject: Kimia description: This research aims to determine the effectiveness of Learning Cycle 5E Assisted by Prototype Media Based on Cmap Tools to increase students learning outcome on the subject of colloid system. The learning outcomes are knowledge aspect (cognitive), skill aspect (psychomotoric), and attitude aspect (affective). The Learning Cycle 5E consists of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation. This research was held in MAN Yogyakarta 1, academic year 2015/ 2016. The samples were students of class XI MIPA 2 as an experimental class which was conducted by Learning Cycle 5E Assisted by Prototype Media Based on Cmap Tools and the students of class XI MIPA 3 as control class was conducted by Direct Instruction Model. The method used in this study was quasi-experimental methods. The data analysis was anacova by SPSS and descriptive percentage. According to the research result, Learning Cycle 5E Assisted by Prototype Media Based on Cmap Tools is more effective than Direct Instruction Model to increase the student learning outcome. It was shown by covariant analysis anacova one way. The value of F (13.717) is higher than F table (4.001). Then the value of intercept (p) is 0.000. It means that Ho is rejected (p < 0.05). The average of initial, final, and gain scores of experimental class were 61.516, 83.978, and 22.462 respectively. The average of initial, final, and gain scores of control class were 61.353, 75.882, and 14.529 respectively. The average score of affective domain of experimental and control classes were about 94.81 and 90.06 respectively. The average score of psychomotoric domain of experimental and control classes were about 88.48 and 82.98 respectively. Keywords : Learning cycle 5E, direct instruction, cognitive, affective date: 2016-10-03 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Setyowati, Putri Ratna (2016) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING CYCLE 5E ASSISTED BY PROTOTYPE MEDIA BASED ON CMAP TOOLS TO INCREASE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME. S1 thesis, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam UNY.