@article{UNY41860, year = {2016}, publisher = {Faculty of Economics YSU}, journal = {International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science}, pages = {566--576}, title = {THE ROLE OF PEER ENVIRONMENT AND PARENTS? ATTENTION IN DEVELOPING DISCIPLINARY CHARACTER OF STUDENTS AT MTS YAPI PAKEM}, author = {Yusuf Kurniawan}, month = {September}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/41860/}, abstract = {This article proposes several theories related to environmental theory and parents? attention, in relation with the development of disciplinary character of students. Character is the foundation of a person?s thinking and behavior. Character development of a child is highly influenced by environment, especially family environment and peer environment. Family environment is closely related to attention and affection of parents, while peer environment is related to the formation of identity and social behavior of children. This article aimed to find out how the role of peer environment and attention of parents in shaping the disciplinary character of students. Keywords: disciplinary character, family environment, peer environment} }