%A Dominikus Riki Yonda %X Modernization has changed some social aspects of traditional society. Its social change will always happen time to time that includes all related social aspects. There are lot of traditional society that put their life to the nature and the forest itself became their organic mini-market that provided all needs, especially for traditional society such Sungai Utik Ibanesse. Post reformation that stressed on industrial development to accelerate the national economic improvement, industrial development gives new work-field alternatives for traditional society. The traditional society also experience all changes to the modernization concept. Although the fact that their environment is still rural, some aspects have already equalled as modern standard. This research aims to analize social change that happened and dig the problems that inflicted by social change on traditional society so it can give a very valuable contribution for policy formulation, especially for traditional and rural society in Indonesia. Keywords: social change, traditional society, Ibanesse, modernization %L UNY41843 %P 452-460 %T SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION ON TRADITIONAL SOCIETY (CASE STUDY ON DAYAK IBAN SOCIETY OF KAPUAS HULU, KALIMANTAN BARAT) %D 2016 %J International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science %I Faculty of Economics YSU