%J International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science %D 2016 %T SEMANTIC NETWORK ANALYSIS OF CITIZEN REPORTS FROM INDONESIA’S NATIONAL ONLINE COMPLAINT AND ASPIRATION PORTAL, LAPOR! %I Faculty of Economics YSU %X In the era of open government, the Indonesian government with its Open Government Initiative focuses effort on establishing a more participatory democracy. LAPOR! is a national online aspiration and complaint portal set up to put the open government goal into practice. This research aims to provide a structural understanding of one of the practice of open government in Indonesia through a semantic network analysis of the Data gathered from LAPOR!. This research will explore how data gathered from the complaint portal can be (1) used to help identify the on-going issues primarily reported through the LAPOR’s Ministry of Law and Human Rights domain, (2) understand the social relationship between the reported issues. Keywords: Semantic Network Analysis, Open Government, Decision Making, Information and Knowledge Management %A Aliyyah Sarastita Rusdinar %A Manahan Siallagan %L UNY41839 %P 419-433