@phdthesis{UNY41305, author = {Triadi Wijaya Thomas}, month = {August}, year = {2016}, title = {DEVELOPING INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA FOR TEACHING READING TO GRADE VIII STUDENTS OF SMPN 2 MERTOYUDAN IN THE FIRST SEMESTER}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, abstract = {The objective of this study was to develop interactive multimedia for teaching reading to Grade VIII students of SMPN 2 Mertoyudan. This research and development study adapted the R\&D model proposed by Jolly and Bolitho in Tomlinson (1998). The steps of the research were conducting needs analysis, developing course grid, developing the first draft of materials, materials evaluation and revising the final draft of materials. The instruments to collect data were needs analysis questionnaire and an expert judgment questionnaire in the form of Likert scale. The data obtained from the needs analysis and the expert judgment were analyzed quantitatively through descriptive statistics. This research developed three units of materials and then presented them in interactive media. Based on the findings from the expert judgment, the materials were appropriate. The mean score of all aspects, both of materials and media was 3.85 which was ?Very Good?.}, keywords = {interactive multimedia, reading, motivation, curriculum 2013}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/41305/} }