%D 2016 %T PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PELATIHAN LOMBA KOMPETENSI SISWA PROGRAM KEAHLIAN TEKNIK MESIN MENUJU WORLD SKILLS COMPETITION %L UNY40232 %C UNY %K Training Model, Student Skills Competition %A Putut Hargiyarto Putut Hargiyarto %A Marwanto Arif %A Thomas Sukardi Thomas %A Riswan Dwi Jatmiko Riswan %X This study aims to: (1) obtain a theoretical model; (2) obtain elaboration theoretical models; and (3) obtaining teaching material in the implementation of the Student Skills Competition program in mechanical engineering expertise that can accommodate learning aspect and competition of competence. This study uses the approach of research & development (R & D). Expected outcomes include: simulation models, training materials, Student Skills Competition SOP, Evaluation Procedures and determination graduation certification and promotion procedures. The phases begin from needs analysis, planning, development and evaluation, in this case the emphasis on the development and use. Results of the study (1) a theoretical model consists of 15 aspects are: the student , the selection, the learning process of training welding, competency testing, candidate competition, objectives, funding, collaboration, management and quality control, standard operating procedures, evaluation, teaching materials, machinery practices and materials, teacher / coach and the health and safety of work (EHS); (2) elaboration a theoretical model in the form of guidance documents activity: management, SOP, machinery and training materials, trainers, teaching materials, funding, and cooperation and sponsorship; (3) the form of teaching materials are arranged in a module consists four sections that have been feasible of the material content and media aspects. %O Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2016