%T MANUAL HANDBOOK DEVELOPMENT FOR CREATING INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES OF PHYSICAL AND SPORT EDUCATION (PENGEMBANGAN BUKU PANDUAN PRAKTIK PEMBUATAN SARANA DAN PRASARANA PENDIDIKAN JASMANI DAN OLAHRAGA) %D 2016 %C UNY %L UNY40007 %O Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2016 %K book, manual, facilities, infrastructure, physical and sport education %X Adequate learning resources is strongly needed in order to achieve success learning process. However, the manual book for creating infrastructure and facilities of physical and sport education is not available yet. As a result, students render difficult during their study because of it. This research's purpose is to create a product which is manual book for creating infrastructure and facilities of physical and sport education. The manual book must be qualified to be used as learning resource during lecture process of subject facilities and infrastructure of physical and sport education on study program POR FIK UNY. The research employed Research and Development model through for steps; introduction study, product development, field study or product evaluation, and research result dissemination. Experts validated the research on three different aspects; material, media, and language. For the product trial, researcher applied several methods; one by one, small group and field trial. The research result is a practical manual book of creating infrastructure and facilities of physical and sport education that is adequate to be used as resource learning for subject of facilities and infrastructure physical education. According to the experts, the quality of the product is assessed on three different aspects; very good content/4.23 (content expert), very good media (media expert), very good language/4.5 (language expert). As for the field trial, the result is good/3.8. %A Muktiani Nur Rohmah %A M.Pd. Tri Ani Hastuti %A Listyarini A. Erlina