%L UNY38801 %I FBS UNY %D 2012 %K MULTIMEDIA, INTERACTIVE LEARNING, INTERLANGUAGE GRADE %X DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE INTERACTIVE LEARNING MULTIMEDIA FOR INTERLANGUAGE GRADE X STUDENTS OF SMA N 1 SLEMAN By. Apriana Ika Reknasari 07202244081 ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to design appropriate interactive learning multimedia for Interlanguage for grade ten students of SMA N 1 Sleman. This study was a research and development (R & D) type of research. This study was conducted at SMA N 1 Sleman. There were two types of data collected in this study, namely quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were obtained by using questionnaires while the qualitative data were obtained through interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics and the qualitative data were analyzed qualitatively. The research procedures adapted the ADDIE design model (Taylor, 2004). This study designed interactive learning multimedia for two units of Interlanguage textbook. The activities were designed to develop the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) based on the students’ preferences. The appropriate design of each unit has the following components. The first is Home page and the second is Menu page. The Home page has six sections, those are the units of materials: What A Nice Hair Cut! and I Don’t Believe It!, the third is Evaluation, the fourth is Reflection, the fifth is User Guide, and the last is The Developer. The menu page has six sections. They are Learning Objectives, Pre-activity, Listen and Speak, Read and Write, Summary, and Music Corner. The product is considered appropriate as indicated by the questionnaire means which range from 3.59 to 4.47. The interactive learning multimedia that has been produced is integrated into a CD so that it can be used by students to have individual learning, also by teachers to teach English. %A Apriana Ika Reknasari %T DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE INTERACTIVE LEARNING MULTIMEDIA FOR INTERLANGUAGE GRADE X STUDENTS OF SMA N 1 SLEMAN