%X The aim of the research are to explore bioactive compound and to develop herbal medicine plant as single or combination (jamu) Nusantara medicine that have potency as antiviral. Some plant tissues studied were the tuber of kunci pepet (Kaemferia rotunda),temugiring (Curcuma heyneana Val), galangal (Alpinia galanga Sw), and temuireng (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.). The activity test as antiviral and isolation of bioactive compounds were conducted in laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Yogyakarta State University, while the identification of structures was conducted in Faculty of Science, University of Malaya. The research conducted in the first year were extracted, test the antiviral activity against H5N1 AI virus, isolation and identification of structures. While in the second year, the research will be conducted focusing in isolation and structural identification of compounds that show high activity, as well as test the antiviral activity of pure compounds were found. The target of research is to publish at least two articles in international journal or proceeding in international seminar every year. In the second year, at least one draft paten will be registered. Antiviral activity test carried out on the AI virus H5N1, by making 0.5 mL AI H5N1 virus suspension added by 0.1 mL extract 1 % ; 10,000 IU / mL antibiotic penicillin; 10 mg / mL streptomycin, then incubated at 37°C for 30 minutes. This suspension as much as 0.1 mL was inoculated on the TAB through korioalantois space. Eggs were incubated in the incubator for 3 days. Embryo mortality was observed whether or not there every day. Eggs stored in refrigerator for 24 hours, then harvested for liquid alantois to test its hemagglutination titter (HA). Hemagglutination test performed according to OlE (2008) with modifications. In principle 0.05 mL alantois fluid diluted series 2 times and then reacted with 0.5% chicken erythrocytes. HA positive to say in case of hemagglutination. HA titter is the reciprocal of the highest dilution that still showed a positive reaction. Extract is said to have antiviral activity when the HA titter differs significantly from the control or even a HA titter of approximately 2°. Embryo was used as control eggs inoculated only with the H5N1 Al virus suspension. The antiviral activity test of extracts and fractions from tubers of kunci pepet (Kaemferia rotunda), temugiring (Curcuma heyneana Val), galangal (Alpinia galanga Sw), and temuireng (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb) plant against the AI virus H5Nl shows that the methanol extract of kunci pepet, temu ireng, and temu giring have activity as antiviral but not significant. While the hexane fraction of kunci pepet and temu ireng showed that they have a ,high antiviral activity. The isolation of chemical compounds from the hexane fraction showed t,the presence of one compound that is pinostrombin or 6 - hydroxyl, 8-methoxy-flavanones. While isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of kunci pepet obtained three compounds, i.e. EKI (4'-hydroxy-8-methoxy-flavanones), EK2 (6 - hydroxy-8-methoxy-flavanones), and EK3 (4 " 8-dihydroxy-flavanones). Keywords: herbal medicine Archipelago; antiviral; H5Nl %A Prof. Dr. SU., Apt. Nurfina Aznam %D 2010 %L UNY3877 %T DEVELOPMET OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM SOME SPECIES INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL PLANTS AS ANTIVIRAL