%0 Thesis %9 S1 %A Bilal Al-Qudsy, Bilal %B Sastra Inggris %D 2016 %F UNY:34495 %I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %K figures of speech, types, functions, news headlines, The Jakarta Post %T A STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF FIGURES OF SPEECH IN THE JAKARTA POST HEADLINES UNDER THE ISSUE OF KPK VS. POLRI %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/34495/ %X This research is aimed at identifying the types and functions of figures of speech in The Jakarta Post selected headlines under the issue of KPK vs. Polri. The study of stylistics is employed since this research investigates language and style which can be seen in figurative language through figures of speech in the objects of study. This research applied descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were taken from The Jakarta Post official website. The forms of the data are the sentences in The Jakarta Post selected headlines under the issue of KPK vs. Polri which contain figures of speech. In the research, inductive analysis method was used in the analysis of data. Triangulation was used to establish the reliability of the data and to ensure the findings, so that it can enhance trustworthiness. The results of this research are as follows. (1) There are only six of twelve types of figures of speech found based on Perrine’s theory, i.e. metaphor, simile, apostrophe, synecdoche, overstatement/hyperbole, and irony. (2) Each type of figure of speech has its particular function or functions. Yet, there are only two of four functions of figures of speech found based on Perrine’s theory, i.e. to add emotional intensity and to say much in a brief compass. Metaphor, simile, and overstatement/hyperbole carry both functions, adding emotional intensity to the readers and saying much in a brief compass. Apostrophe and irony only function to add emotional intensity to the readers, while and synecdoche only functions in saying much in a brief compass.