@article{UNY3340, title = {PENGEMBANGAN MODEL MODUL IPA BERBASIS PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD BERDASARKAN KARAKTERISTIK SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI SMP/MTs}, author = {Dr. Izaak H. Wenno}, journal = {Cakrawala Pendidikan Edisi Juni 2010}, abstract = {Developing Science Module Models Based on the Problem Solving Method on the Basis of Students? Learning Characteristics in SMP/MTs. This study aims to investigate the learning process in the laboratory using modules based on the problem solving method, effects of the module models on the students? achievement, the effectiveness of the modules, and the evaluation system in the modules. This study was a research and development study employing a model by Borg and Gall. The research subjects comprised students, teachers, and principals. The data were collected through observations and interviews and analyzed using the descriptive technique. The results show that the module models, namely experiment and non-experiment student work sheets based on the problem solving method, and the evaluation system in science learning can be used as an alternative. Keywords : science module models, problem solving method, and science teaching}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/3340/} }