@phdthesis{UNY32776, title = {Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Debat Aktif Dalam Pembelajaran Konsep Demokrasi Mata Pelajaran PKn Terhadap Sikap Demokratis Siswa Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 4 Depok}, author = {Haris Suwondo}, school = {FIS}, year = {2016}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/32776/}, abstract = {This study is aimed at finding out the effects of using active debating method on democracy learning in Civic Education towards grade VIII students? democratic attitude at SMP Negeri 4 Depok. This study is classified as quasi-experimental research using pretest posttest control-group design. The variables of the research were an independent variable in the form of active debating method and a dependent variable in the form of student?s democratic attitude. The population was 127 grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 4 Depok. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. There were 63 students, in which there were 31 students as the experiment class and 32 students as the controlled class. The instrument of the research was in the form of questionnaire for democratic attitude. The instruments were validated through the use of product moment correlation formula. Meanwhile, to measure the reliability of the instruments, Cronbach alpha formula was used. The data were analyzed quantitatively using t-test in which the significance level was 5\%. The result showed that using active debating method on democracy learning in Civic Education influenced grade VIII students? democratic attitude at SMP Negeri 4 Depok. It was proved by the result of t-test analysis using the final data of student?s democratic attitude in control class. According to the result of t-test in which the significant level was 5\%, Tvalue was bigger than Ttable (2, 406 {\ensuremath{>}} 2, 000) or in other words, the significant level was 0,019, that was smaller than 5\% (0, 05). Besides, it was supported by the result of gain score analysis. According to the gain score analysis, the experiment class with 31 students had an improvement mean that was bigger (5,0000) than the improvement mean of controlled group with 32 students (0, 5938). Therefore, it was concluded that using active debating method on democracy learning in Civic Education positively influenced students? democratic attitude in the experiment group than in controlled group, although there was an improvement in both of the groups. Keywords: Effect, Active Debate Method, Democratic Attitude} }