@phdthesis{UNY32517, title = {The Effect of the Mastery of Grammar and Vocabulary on the Listening Comprehension of the Second Grade Students of SMK in Tapin Regency}, author = {Meiliana Meiliana}, month = {January}, year = {2013}, school = {UNY}, keywords = {mastery of grammar, mastery of vocabulary, listening comprehension}, abstract = {The problem raised in this study is to what extent is the effect of the mastery of grammar and vocabulary on the listening comprehension of the second grade students of SMK in Tapin Regency.This study aims to describe the effect of the mastery of grammar and vocabulary on the listening comprehension of the second grade students of SMK in Tapin Regency. This research was ex post facto, involving two independent variables and one dependent variable. The mastery of grammar was the first independent variable (X1), and the mastery of vocabulary was the second independent variable (X2). The listening comprehension was the dependent variable (Y). This research was conducted at three SMKs in Tapin Regency, namely SMKN 1 Rantau, SMKN 1 Tapin Selatan and SMKN 1 Binuang. The population of this study was all second graders of SMK students in Tapin Regency i.e., 503 students. The sample consisted of 217 students was established using the proportional random sampling technique. The research instrument was a test. The data were analyzed using the multiple regression statistics analysis and partial correlation. The result of descriptive analysis indicates that 52.54\% of the sample is in the low category for the mastery of grammar, 49.77\% is in the low category for the mastery of vocabulary and 42.86\% is in the average category for the listening comprehension. The result of multiple regression analysis indicates that the mastery of grammar and vocabulary combined affects the listening comprehension (F = 21.452, sig {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05). As much as 16.7 \% variance of listening comprehension is determined by the mastery of grammar and vocabulary. The result of the partial correlation analysis indicates that the mastery of grammar affects the listening comprehension (r = 0.269 sig. with p {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05) with a contribution as much as 16.3\%. The mastery of vocabulary affects the listening comprehension (r = 0.379 sig. with p {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05) with a contribution as much as 32.5\%.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/32517/} }