@unpublished{UNY30350, year = {2016}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, title = {POLITENESS STRATEGIES OF COMMANDS USED BY VANESSA KELLER AND DARIUS HAYES IN THE FIRST SEASON OF THE LOTTERY TV SERIES}, author = {Fajar Subekti Zulkarnain}, month = {March}, abstract = {This research investigates the use of politeness strategies of command performed by Vanessa Keller and Darius Hayes in the first season of The Lottery TV Series. It aims to describe three major problems. The first is to describe the types of politeness strategies of command. The second is to describe the realizations of politeness strategies of command. The third is to describe the factor influencing the performance of politeness strategies. The research employed descriptive qualitative method and use pragmatics as the approach to analyze the data. The data were in the form of utterances and the context of data was the dialogues which involve Vanessa and Darius. The source of data were five episodes of the first season of The Lottery TV Series and the transcript. Triangulation was used to obtain the credibility and the reliability of the data. The results of the research are stated as follows. (1) All types of politeness strategy of command are used by both Vanessa and Darius in The Lottery TV Series. They are bald on record, off record, positive politeness and negative politeness. Bald on record politeness strategy becomes the most frequent strategy since the speakers get the advantages for being direct in giving commands. (2) There are only five out of nine realizations used by the characters to perform politeness strategies of command. These five realizations are non minimization, inviting conversational implicature, claiming for common ground, conveying that both participants are cooperators, and being direct. Vanessa mostly performs the utterances with non minimization by 11 data out of 20 utterances in order to serve three different purposes. It is used to threat the hearer, to warn the hearer and to avoid ambiguity in the utterances. On the other hand, Darius mostly realizes politeness strategies in the form of claiming for common ground by 4 data out of 10 utterances. By claiming for common ground, the addressees tend to follow the order without any complaint since they feel the same way as the speaker. (3) All three factors of politeness influence the speakers to perform certain strategies. These factors are social distance, relative power and ranking of imposition. Both Vanessa and Darius are mostly influenced by the relative power in uttering their command. It is because the characters mostly deliver their command to someone who works for them. Therefore, they need to show their power over the addressee.}, keywords = {command, politeness Strategies, The Lottery}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/30350/} }