%0 Thesis %9 S2 %A Maryani, Maryani %B Program Pascasarjana %D 2015 %F UNY:29656 %I UNY %K module, lesson plans, thematic-integrative, character building, self-directed learning %T An Analysis of Techniques, Methods, Ideologies and Quality of the English – Indonesian Translational Texts ‘NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses : Definitions and Classification 2012-2014’ %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/29656/ %X This research is aimed to describe, to explain the techniques, methods, ideologies and to assess the quality of acceptability of the translation on the target text ‘NANDA Internasional Diagnosis Keperawatan : Definisi dan Klasifikasi 2012-2014’. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. The design was embedded case study focusing on a single case. This research consists of two types of data source. The first data source was documents which involved source books and translated product. The second data source was collected from two validators who gave assessment about acceptability of translation. There were three categories of translation, acceptable: the scale 3, less acceptable: the scale 2, and inacceptable: the scale 1. Technique of collecting data was content analysis, reading technique and noting technique. The data were analyzed using equivalent method. The results of research show that from the total of 980 data, there were 8 translation technique types which were used by the translator in translating the book, that are literal technique, natural borrowing technique, calque technique, pure borrowing technique, reduction technique, adaptation technique, addition technique, and deletion technique. From those eight techniques, literal technique is the most dominant because from the data found, the translator used word by word in translating. It means that, if there was a word form in SL, then it would be translated into word and also for phrase and sentence. Based on the technique that dominantly appears, the translation tends to refer to SL Emphasis. Theoretically, the techniques tend to use literal technique, naturalized borrowing technique, pure borrowing technique, and calque technique which were based on source language. Therefore, the translation methods chosen by the translator were word for word, literal, and semantic. Then, the foregnization ideology tended to be used in this book because nursing terms include as particular and sensitive terms. So that the terms used still tend to source language oriented. Then, the impact of the application of those translation techniques toward the quality of acceptability of the translation was good enough. The acceptable category got the first rank than less acceptable and inacceptable, because the data found in this reseach were natural, smooth and flexible. It does not look like translation. Beside that, there was different assessment between validator I and validator II, because of different study background between them. The result of this research tended to refer to validator II, because she is more qualified in nursing field.