%0 Generic %A Antuni Wiyarsi, M.Sc., . %A Das Salirawati, M.Si., %A Eddy Sulistyowati, Apt.,MS., %D 2010 %F UNY:2945 %T SURVEY OF VIOLENCE IN HOUSEHOLD ACT FOR CAREER WOMENS IN DIY %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/2945/ %X This research aims to know the percentage of career womans in DIY who experienced violence in household. The violence saw from four gender of Violence in Household and ages of married. This research is designed in descriptive experimental with survey method. Variables of this research is violence in household for career womens as teahers or lecturer from five area in DIY. The population is the whole of career womens as teahers or lecturer from five area in DIY. The samples take with area purpossive sampling that is 40 career womans every area. Questionnaire as experimental instrument is maked based on the law of the Elimination of Violence in Household Act No. 23, 2004, so fill of logic validity. There is contain four gender of violence in household i.e physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence. Every item of Questionnaire contains five alternatif response i.e no ever (TP), rare (J), sometime (K), often (S) and very often (SS). The score of violence in household Act are added appropriate with gender of violence in household and convert to percentage. Percentage of career womans in DIY that experience violence in household sew from physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence in succession are 20.462%, 21.415%, 21.127%, and 21.283%. Entirely, rate of percentage for all gender of violence in household is 21.072% that included in low criteria. The percentage of career womans in DIY that experience of violence in household for ages of married 1 -5 years, 5.1- 10 years,10.1 – 15 years and > 15 years in succession are 21.544%, 20.828%, 21.435%, and 21.223%. all the result is included in low criteria. This research is indicated that violence in household is experienced by few of career woman as teacher or lecturer. Continued research about career womans who divorced is necessary as the serious meaning from the result of this research. So, would be getting important information and can used to plan activity that helped the women have problem of violence in household. Finally, the rate of divorce can be reduce slowly.