@unpublished{UNY28906, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2015}, month = {October}, title = {UNIT SHIFT IN SPIDERMAN 2 ENGLISH MOVIE TEXT AND THE BAHASA INDONESIA SUBTITLING TEXT}, author = {Hanif Kurnianto}, keywords = {unit shifts, meaning equivalence, English text, Indonesian subtitling text.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/28906/}, abstract = {The focus of this research is to observe and study the phenomena of unit shifts that exist in Spiderman 2?s English text and Bahasa Indonesia subtitling text. There were two objectives discussed in this research, (1) to describe the types of unit shift that occur in Spiderman 2?s Indonesian subtitle, (2) to describe the extent to which the unit shifts affect the meaning equivalence in the two texts. The descriptive qualitative research was the method in this study. The data were the compilation of unit analysis that had been written in the form of table. One unit analysis was expressed by one datum. The realizations of the data are mostly phrase units occurring in clause units and or sentences units. The research?s instruments involved the researcher, data sheets, as well as correlated references. To get data trustworthiness the researcher consulted and observed the data analysis and research?s findings for many times with the research?s consultants. The findings describe that there were two types of unit shift, namely upward unit shift and downward unit shift. The total of their shifting cases were one hundred and seventy four occurrences. The upward unit shift showed eighteen cases or ten point thirty four percent. Meanwhile the downward unit shift showed one hundred and fifty six cases or eighty nine point sixty six percent. Non linguistic factor mostly affected the unit shift occurrences in this research. The factor that influences upward unit shift?s occurrences was that the translator often added several words initiatively in elucidating the meaning of specific parts from original text which are changed into translated version. On the other side, the attempt to make the simplification of some translation results through relevant meaning delivery within several texts was the factor that triggered downward unit shift to occur the most. In terms of meaning equivalence, the complete meaning equivalence became the most occurrences existing with one hundred and forty six cases or eighty three point ninety two percent. The least occurrences existing were the increase meaning equivalence with six cases or three point forty four percent.} }