@phdthesis{UNY28500, year = {2015}, school = {UNY}, author = {Zahro Farida}, title = {Improving the Process of Teaching and Learning of Writing through Project-Based Learning in Class XI IPA-1 at MAN Yogyakarta III}, month = {October}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/28500/}, keywords = {the process of teaching and learning of writing, writing skill, project- based learning}, abstract = {This research aims to improve the process of teaching and learning of writing through project-based learning. The study employed classroom action research that was conducted from 22 January 2015 until 23 April 2015. The subjects of the research consisted of 28 students of class XI IPA1 of MAN Yogyakarta III. The instruments employed to gather the data were a questionnaire, an interview guideline, observation sheets, video camera, and student writing test. The data of this research were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained by observing the teaching and learning process, interviewing the students and the collaborators, and taking pictures of the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were collected from the results of students? pre-test and post-test. The qualitative data were in the form of field notes, transcriptions, recordings, and photographs. The quantitative data were in the form of the scores of students? writings. The qualitative data were analyzed by reducing the data to deduce the meaning and the quantitative data were analyzed by finding the percentage of the students who passed the passing grade. The research findings revealed that the use of project-based learning could improve both the teaching and learning process of writing and the students? writing skill based on a number of evidences. Firstly, the use of project-based learning improved the students? involvement in writing activity. The average of the students? involvement in writing activity increased from 76, 24\% in cycle one to 87,73\% in cycle two. Secondly, each step in project-based learning gave chances for the students to practice writing. They became more familiar with the process of writing. Thirdly, providing topics close to real life problems made the students able to make connections and apply what they learnt and experienced using English. Fourthly, there were some significant improvements in the students? writing skills. The result of pre-test showed that only 39, 29\% students achieved the passing grade. Meanwhile, the percentage of the students who reached the passing grade increased into 67, 86\% in cycle one to 96, 43\% in cycle two.} }