%0 Conference Paper %A Asrinaldi %B 9th International Conference on Malaysia-Indonesia Relations (PAHMI 9) Faculty Of Social Sciences Yogyakarta State University %D 2015 %F UNY:27932 %T Transformasi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah Menuju E-Government Dan Tantangannya Dalam Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN %U http://eprints.uny.ac.id/27932/ %X This paper discusses the government transformation towards e-Government for improving the quality of public services before the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community. This transformation is important because the use of e-Government can improve the functioning of public services. In Indonesia, e-Government transformation is delayed due to many constraints faced by local government. For example, related to commitment of the head of the local government to carry out the implementation of e-Government transformation is still low. In addition, the problem of availability of infrastructure and human resource capacity to support the implementation of e-Government is also found in the local. In fact, the transformation of public services into e-Government form can help local government to face economic competition with ASEAN countries. This paper explain the phenomenon of unpreparedness most local governments to transform its form into e-Government. In fact, that can be explained is the lack of local government to set the stage of development of e-Government as the basis for the implementation of the transformation process towards e-Government. Furthermore, this paper also analyzes the achievements that have been obtained in the process of transformation towards e-Government which has been carried out and its effect on public services in the ASEAN Economic Community. Key Words: Transformation, Public Service and e-Government