%T The Urgency to Redefine ASEAN’s Security Concept: A Critical Analysis of the Covert Threats of Neo Chola and Neo Naga (Neo Dragon) %L UNY27921 %A Nuruddin Al Akbar %X This research aims to explore a blind spot on the security concept held by ASEAN. ASEAN’s security concept is reflected in the establishment of ASEAN political security community, in which this institution tends to look at the security concept in an non-traditional manner and tends to neglect the traditional security concept. Such a tendency for a non-traditional security concept manifests clearly in the definition of security threats such as counter-terrorism efforts, drug eradication cooperation and issues on poverty. Based on the definition of threats, it is obvious that ASEAN’s security concept does not consider a state as a threat, as the traditional security concept does. This research tries to explore the real threats facing ASEAN which go unnoticed because of the security definition which it adopts. Such threats manifest in the ambition of two Asian countries, namely China and India, which are competing extending the influence internationally, including in Southeast Asia. This competition between the two countries in the ASEAN region may trigger a variety of new problems such as increasing regional instability and decreasing cohesiveness. If such phenomena do occur, it is ASEAN itself which will be disadvantaged due to the resulting insecurity. There are two important discussions which this research tries to elaborate. First, it tries to elaborate the real threats from China and India which constitute the blind spot on ASEAN’s security concept. The discussion on this section also includes tracking the history of the imperial ambitions of the two countries in the past against the Southeast Asian region. Second, it provides an offer to change (redefine) ASEAN’s security concept which remains be based on the value peculiar to ASEAN, which is dialogue. This peculiarity is important to maintain in order that ASEAN does not do what NATO has done which preferred the military option to dialogue. Keywords: India, China, Traditional Security, Non Traditional Security, ASEAN Political Security Community Theme: Harmony In Diversity: Building ASEAN Community 2015