@phdthesis{UNY27863, month = {August}, author = {Nafi Ashari}, title = {DEVELOPING APPROPRIATE ENGLISH SPEAKING CLUB LEARNING TASKS FOR GRADE VII STUDENTS OF SMP ISLAM TERPADU (IT) LUQMAN AL HAKIM INTERNASIONAL (LHI) IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The objectives of this study were: (1) to identify the needs of grade VII students of SMP IT LHI in learning English (2) to identify the learning needs of the students of seventh grade of SMP IT LHI, and (3) to develop appropriate English Speaking Club learning tasks for grade VII students of SMP IT LHI. The nature of this study is Research and Development (R \& D). The steps were conducting the needs analysis, developing syllabus, writing the first draft, obtaining the experts? judgments, validating the first draft, and finally writing the final draft. This study involved 24 students of the seventh grade students of SMP IT LHI as the research subjects. The instruments for collecting the data were questionnaires (need assessment questionnaire and expert judgment questionnaires). The results of the needs assessment questionnaire were analyzed using percentage and the expert judgment were analyzed using descriptive statistics. There were two experts involved to review and evaluate the materials. The findings of this study are described as follows. (1) The students want to improve their ability to use English in daily life communication. They also want to master English vocabularies as well as English grammar. (2) The learning needs of the students are learning materials of which topics are related to the daily lives, dreams, and school environment. They also wanted to carry out the tasks in pairs and group discussion. (3) The developed ESC learning materials are appropriate based on the results of expert judgment questionnaire. It was proved by the mean values which range from 3.50 (good) to 4.25 (good). This study also suggests that appropriate learning materials should consist of six parts: introduction, lead-in, main activities, reflection, summary and list of vocabularies.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/27863/} }