@article{UNY27477, publisher = {Prince Songkla University}, pages = {151--154}, booktitle = {Proceeding International Conference on Education and Leadership in Glocalization: What does ?think globally, act locally? mean for education around the world? (ELGIC 2014)}, title = {Does Short Training Has Effect on E-Learning Adoption in Learning Process?}, author = {Mahendra Adhi Nugroho}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/27477/}, abstract = {This research explores short training effect on e-learning technology acceptance in classroom learning process. This research adopting Davis?s (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that is focused in three main aspects in adopting technology there are; Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Intention to Use. Quasi experiment method was conducted on 28 lecturers from several departments of Yogyakarta State University that have age 24-57 year old (mean 35 years old). Short training was conducted in 4 sections which has 3 hour long per session. All of data is taken using questionnaire that is tested using validity and reliability test. Paired t-test is applied to explore the differences of participant?s perceptions on three aspects of e-learning technology acceptance before and after the short training is conducted. In further analysis, an additional analysis on training quality aspects was conducted that can be a locomotive on training's success in adopting e-learning. Paired t-test shows mean differences before and after short training at all technology acceptance aspects. Before and after short training, Perceived Usefulness has mean differences (increase) 9.85 with t=4.73 and sig.= 0.00, Perceived Ease of Use mean increase 6.00 with t=4.02 and sig.= 0.00, and Intention to Use mean climb 4.46 with t=4.66 and sig.=0.00. Those results prove that short training can drive e-learning technology adoption. Further analysis on training facilities, training module, and delivery quality were conducted to explore training progress quality. Participants perception on training facilities, training module, and delivery quality shows very high values with 68\%, 50\%, and 43\% respectively. Base on that result can be concluded that those factors are the training success trigger. Moreover, 57\% and 61\% participants said that their skill and understanding respectively increase dramatically. Keywords: Short Training, Technology Acceptance Model, E-learning} }