%I Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta %D 2015 %T HUMBERT HUMBERT’S SEXUAL ABERRATION AS A PEDOPHILE IN VLADIMIR NABOKOV’S LOLITA %K pedophilia, psychoanalysis, sexual aberration, imbalance personality, psychosexual development, Oedipus complex, Lolita %X This research aims to discover Humbert Humbert’s sexual aberration which is manifested in pedophilia and its relation with his imbalance personality in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita using Freud’s psychoanalysis theory. Humbert Humbert’s psychological affinity which reflects Nabokov’s personality is also analyzed. This research is qualitative in nature, and to analyze the data content analysis method is employed. The data of this research were primarily taken from Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. The form of the data is all words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs of the narration in Lolita novel. The data collection is conducted by reading the source of the data comprehensively and taking some notes of the important words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs which is related to the topic. The data was analyzed by using Freud’s psychanalysis and psychosexual theories, focused on the development of sexuality and also the imbalance personality, especially in the aberrant sexual development and the domination of the id. To ensure the data trustworthiness, the researcher also conducted proof-reading method to check the data relevance. The findings of the study conclude that Humbert Humbert’s sexual aberration as a pedophile is inflicted upon him by the influence of his childhood sexual experience. The death of his mother when he was only three years old also gives a major influence to both his sexual development and personality development. As a result, the impact of the death of his mother causes him failing in undergoing Oedipus complex which later influences his psychosexual development which becomes stunted and his imbalace personality. Humbert Humbert’s sexual aberration is manifested in pedophiliac inclination which leads him to commit sexual offense towards Lolita, his own stepdaughter, without the feeling of guilty. Moreover, the domination of the id also gives a significant influence towards his immoral conducts. Thus, his aberrant sexuality is promoted by his imbalance personality to seek pleasure without considering the moral values. %A Happy Pramukti %L UNY27454