@phdthesis{UNY26804, month = {August}, author = {Fatmawati Sukmarini}, title = {ADDITIONS, SUBTRACTIONS, AND ALTERATIONS IN INDONESIAN SUBTITLES OF THE RUNDOWN}, school = {Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta}, year = {2015}, keywords = {additions, subtractions, alterations, meaning equivalence, utterances, subtitles, The Rundown}, abstract = {This research aims to analyze the kinds of additions, subtractions, and alterations found in the Indonesian subtitles of The Rundown. Moreover, this research also analyzes the degree of meaning equivalence of the translation of English utterances which are translated using additions, subtractions, and alterations in The Rundown. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. Therefore, the discussion was presented in the descriptive way. However, number and percentage were used to support the analysis of the data and to strengthen the findings. The data were movie subtitles and were collected in the form of dialogues. The data sources were the English utterances and Indonesian subtitles of The Rundown the movie. There were some procedures in analyzing the data: identifying the additions, subtractions, and alterations in the Indonesian subtitles, analyzing and classifying, reporting the findings, and drawing the conclusion. To ensure the trustworthiness of the research, the data findings were triangulated by two graduates of English language and literature majoring translation. The findings of this research show that there are 12 kinds of additions, subtractions, and alterations found. There are 3 kinds of additions: filling out elliptical expression, obligatory specifications, and amplification from implicit to explicit status. Meanwhile, there are 4 kinds of subtractions: repetition, specification of reference, conjunctions, and vocatives. In addition, there are 5 kinds of alterations: categories, word classes, order, semantic problems involving single words, and semantic problems involving exocentric expressions. There is no occurrence of additions required by grammatical restructuring. Most of the English utterances are translated using alterations; the occurrence is 151 out of 280 (53.93\%). It shows that alterations is the translation strategy which most often used by the translator. Furthermore, the second rank goes to subtractions which occurs 108 times (38.57\%). Finally, additions places in the third rank which occurs 21 times (7.50\%). In terms of meaning equivalence, the translation of English utterances which are translated using additions, subtractions, and alterations in the movie The Rundown has a higher degree of equivalent meaning (98.93\%) compared to non-equivalent one (1.07\%). It can be concluded that the translator is successful in translating the English utterances.}, url = {http://eprints.uny.ac.id/26804/} }