eprintid: 25052 rev_number: 8 eprint_status: archive userid: 3 dir: disk0/00/02/50/52 datestamp: 2015-08-13 15:05:01 lastmod: 2015-08-13 15:05:01 status_changed: 2015-08-13 15:05:01 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Slamet, Lestari creators_id: slametlt@yahoo.co.id title: REINVENTING LEARNING METHOD IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ispublished: pub subjects: ICFIE2014 divisions: pps full_text_status: public abstract: Early childhood is the "golden age" of child development. Researchers proved that 50 percent of human learning progress is determined in first four years. And human form another 30 percent before reaching eight years age (Bloom, 1964). Similarly, the importance of this age will require education which appropriate with needs and characteristics so that early childhood can grow and develop optimally. Early childhood education is foundation of physical growth, socio-emotional, language, and communication in accordance with the unique developmental early childhood. To achieve these objectives specifically teaching methods should also be in accordance with characteristics of early childhood. However, the current teaching methods applied in early childhood has been based on the reference menu early childhood learning. This condition is indicated by several things, such as educational practice is still teachercentered and classical learning methods. This is one of them may be due to a lack of knowledge on the characteristics of the development of early childhood educators, so it has the conception and practice for educate early childhood is less appropriate. One of the methods developed for early childhood learning today is Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT). BBCT is on early childhood learning method that aims to stimulate all aspects of children's intelligence (multiple intelligence) through purposeful play activities. BCCT method is clearly different and still rarely used in early childhood learning methods today. This article will discuss the BCCT: concept, implementation, problems, and solutions as a meaningful and enjoyable learning method in early childhood education. date: 2014 publication: International Conference on Fundamentals and Implementation of Education (ICFIE) 2014 publisher: Pascasarjana UNY refereed: TRUE issn: 2406-9132 official_url: http://pps.uny.ac.id citation: Slamet, Lestari (2014) REINVENTING LEARNING METHOD IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. International Conference on Fundamentals and Implementation of Education (ICFIE) 2014. ISSN 2406-9132 document_url: http://eprints.uny.ac.id/25052/1/D-55.pdf