%T THE PRINCIPAL’S ROLE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN JURANGOMBO 2 SD STATE IN THE CITY Magelang %I Pascasarjana UNY %D 2014 %J International Conference on Fundamentals and Implementation of Education (ICFIE) 2014 %X In every organization to achieve common goals there is always a division of labor, held to support the process of interaction among laborer in order to run well. Similarly, in the life of a school, the division of tasks is carried out by the firm by the principal, so that each personnel can perform what, when, and how. Job descripsition is a manifestation of the empowerment of human resources. In this paper, human resource management is focused on the management of personnel in Elementary School Jurangombo 2, in particular the role of teachers and education personnel in the school. To manage human resources, in order to have the skills, motivation and creativity optimally, the principal's role as the manager determines the success of the school, and the process is through the following stages: 1). identifyng employees / staff, 2) positioning the Educational Personnel according to their competence, 3) guiding for adjustment, 4) evaluating educational workforce performance, 5) improving personnel education; 6) compensating workforce education. A good resource management school leads to an increase in the quality of educational process and if the quality of the personnel increases the chances of greater school achievement will result. %A Wahyuningsih Rita %L UNY25050